An Overview of Link Building


Links (also known as backlinks, inbound links or hyperlinks), are the lifeblood of any website. They are the way search engines discover Websites. Organic links are vitally important to search engines, because links replicate human judgement. Our on-page content tells the search engines what our site is about. However, links from other websites tell the search engines whether our site is considered important and relevant or not. It doesn’t matter how great your site looks, how amazing your content, or how fantastic the products or services you offer on the site.

Links make a website findable. If no one is linking to your site, the search engines won’t know it exists. If the search engines don’t know your site exists, it’s as good as invisible. Unless you want to start investing in horribly expensive offline and online campaigns, people are not going to be able to find your site. Links are therefore crucial in order for your Website to be found.

Having relevant backlinks from trustworthy and reputable websites lends to your site’s overall credibility and is used in the search engine’s algorithms (formula that measures a Web page’s overall relevancy to the search query) to determine whether you can be considered trustworthy as a relevant source of information and an “expert” in your field. The search engines want to give their users the best results possible because if they give the user what they want, users come back and continue to use the search engine.


Relevance is the degree to which the content of the web pages returned in a search matches the user’s query intention and terms. The relevance of a document increases if the terms or phrase queried by the user matches the specific theme of a particular web page.

You can think of relevance as the first step to being “in the game.” If you are not relevant to a query, the search engine does not consider you for inclusion in the search results for that query.To measure these factors, search engines perform document analysis (including semantic analysis of concepts across documents) and link analysis.

Two critical points regarding links and link building:

Link building is fundamental to SEO. Without link building, your site will fail.

Link building should be never stop. It is an ongoing part of marketing your website on the World Wide Web.

The concept of using links as a way to measure a site’s importance was first made popular by Google with the implementation of its PageRank algorithm. In the simplest terms, each link to a Web page is a vote for that page, and the page with the most votes wins. The key to this concept is the notion that links represent an “editorial endorsement” of a web page. Search engines rely heavily on editorial votes to determine the importance of a particular Web page.

For example, let’s assume that site X is an authoritative and well established site with a PageRank of 10. Let’s say we have 3 new sites: Site A, B, and C, and each one of these sites are in the same industry or niche as site X. First, each of these sites are given an innate, but tiny amount of PageRank by Google. Google now needs a way to decide who comes out on top, and this is where links come in. Links cast the deciding vote. As mentioned above, every link to a Web page is a vote for that page, and pages can increase their PageRank by receiving “quality” links from other pages.

So, in our example, let’s assume that site X only links to Site A, and doesn’t link to any of the other sites. When site X links to site A, it passes all of its “passable” PageRank to site A. Since site X is linking only to site A, this is a powerful endorsement of site A from Site X, and Google will conclude that it must be more important than the others, so site A wins. Google will rank site A over and above sites B and C.

On the other hand, let’s assume that site X links to each of the sites – A, B, and C. When this happens, it means that the passable PageRank gets divided among all of the Web pages receiving links. In this situation, Site A no longer receives all of Site X’s passable PageRank (or votes), and all things being equal, the search engines will rank sites A, B, and C equally.

Although this is an oversimplification of the concept of PageRank, this is how the algorithm fundamentally works. This also explains why the links you should focus on getting links from trusted and well established sites with a lot of domain authority and very few outbound links (or outbound links that are nofollowed).

Rank At 1st On Google Using The Power Of Private Blog Networks

A Private Blog Network (PBN) is the single most powerful way to rank your sites in Google, irrespective of the competition, in 30 days or less.

A Private Blog Network (PBN) is a network of authoritative websites used to build links to your money website(s) for the purpose of ranking higher in the Google search engine. A money website is the website you intend on ranking i.e. the one that actually makes money. This can also refer to a client’s website.

Maybe you are hearing about PBN’s for the first time, or maybe know about them, but never tried them out because you’ve been led to believe that…

With PBN Nova You Will Have The Power To Target Any Niche, Knock Out Site After Site And Rank Them On The First Page Of Google. Quickly And Easily.

Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website. Also knows as Inbound links (IBL’s). The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website. When search engines calculate the relevance of a site to a keyword, they consider the number of QUALITY inbound links to that site.

My primary weapon for top ranks have been authority themed private blog networks. I’ve been building these for years. If you want to rank fast, and rank long term – you need high authority themed relevant links. There is no better source to obtain these type of links than learning to properly build an control your own… I’ve seen sites go from nowhere to top 3 – all from the link power these bad boys can send. If you want to rank in 2014 & beyond, private blog networks built in the right way are DEFINITELY the way to go.

Public blog networks took a dive in 2012/2013 while private blog networks have survived and are still thriving.

Citation Flow is a number of predicting how influential a URL might be based on how many sites link to it. Trust Flow is a number predicting how trustworthy a page is based on how trustworthy sites tend to link to trustworthy neighbors.

Backlinks in general are links from other websites pointing towards your site. They can be another domain, blog or any specific article or other form of content. There are two different types of backlinks namely, external and internal backlinks with each type having their own importance and benefits.

Find Out How Successful People Think So You May Be Successful Too

Do you think successful people are just plain lucky?

Successful people did not become successful because they were lucky.

They did not achieve success by accident. Being at the right place at the right time, meeting relevant people, reading the appropriate book, did not come about accidentally or by luck.

Luck is brought about by Labour Under Correct Knowledge.

Successful people prepared themselves. Instead of giving up on anything they started and wanted to achieve they got stronger by learning more.

Success is a methodical, orderly and deliberate process of deciding what you want to do with your life, what are the steps that you need to undertake to get you there, and lastly what you will do once you get there.

One of the most important aspects, if not the most important aspect to success, is the ability to visualise your successful outcome and stay focused on it until you achieve it.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited.” – Albert Einstein

Successful people understood the potential power behind knowledge, yet they also understood that, for them to close the gap between where they are and where they wanted to be, they would have to piece together the enigma that is most often referred to as “life”.

They had to build a picture, a vision, of success in their mind, and then go about taking action on creating that envisioned life.

In much the same way, you have to be serious about your present and future, you need to have the knowledge that is required so you, too, may close the gap: you need to be and remain determined to devote yourself to taking massive action to build your business of succeeding in life.

You, too, will need to see the end, your dream and destiny that you desire in your mind’s eye. It is up to you to take the necessary and relevant action to make it all happen. It’s just like going to the doctor with a particular health problem.

The doctor may prescribe a medication for you to take four times a day, yet he cannot be there with you to ensure that you are taking the medication.

It comes back to deciding to be responsible for your life.

Have you noticed how it all stems from that one attitude? Being responsible for your own life.

Your success, your being responsible 100% for you to live your dream life starts here.

When you accept 100% responsibility for yourself and your current life situation, you will have the power to move towards those things you truly desire in life: which is success in all areas of your life.

This life-changing article is about possibilities and opportunities, knowledge and tools. It will help expose your unique course in life.

It will inspire, support and motivate you to excel, to do what successful people do, to have all that successful people have, and to become a shining example of a successful person.

Here, you’re not being told what you couldn’t do, instead you are being told to shoot for the stars. And above all, you are being shown how to shoot for those stars.

“A person is what he thinks about all day long.” – Emerson

Interesting thought, wouldn’t you think? So much so, it’s worth repeating: “A person is what he thinks about all day long.”

Success and happiness cannot happen if you possess the same old thoughts and beliefs.

If you do not change your mind, if you do not get rid of the unsupportive thoughts and beliefs, you will inevitably remain stuck in your old ways. Not much, if anything, will change.

Let’s give you a quick overview on how change comes about:

Your BEHAVIOUR, how you act (or perhaps do not act), controls your success or failure. Your ability to attain high levels of success is dependent upon your actions and behaviours. Your results are the outcome of your behaviour. Now let’s consider where your behaviours come from and what controls them?

Your FEELINGS command your behaviour. Every action that you take is first filtered through your feelings that reside in your subconscious mind. How you feel about something determines what you do and how well you do it. So where do your feelings come from?

Your ATTITUDES create and influence your feelings. Your attitude is your perspective from which you view life. Whatever attitude you have about anything will affect how you feel, which, in turn, affects how you act. Where do your attitudes come from?

Your BELIEFS create, control and influence your attitudes. What you believe about anything will determine your attitude about it, which will create your feelings, and then which will direct your behaviour and action. Belief patterns are so powerful that two people who are in the same situation could perceive things completely differently. It only requires us to believe what we see and how we see it. We all have thousands of beliefs – big and small. And where do your beliefs come from?

Your THOUGHTS create, control and influence your beliefs. Your thoughts are real and are immensely powerful. Everything you accept from the outside world and everything you feed yourself from within is a product of your thoughts. Everything starts as a thought.

So, it goes without saying you need to learn to control your thoughts. And when you do, you will automatically control your beliefs, your attitudes, your feelings and, consequently, your behaviour and actions.

The big secret to success:

Learn to control your thoughts and you will influence your behaviours and actions. It’s all a mind-set. That’s what we’ve been saying all along.

Success is predictable and is not achieved by accident.

Have the mind-set of the successful people and you will achieve success. Believe and it is yours!

“There is a great future in front of you, you can leave your past behind.” – Joel Osteen

Science of success experts have concluded that the brain is a goal-setting organism.

That is fantastic news for us: for whatever goal we give to our subconscious mind, it will work for us day and night, 24/7, to achieve it for us; to make it a reality.

The principal breakthrough that scientists made was that we do not need to waste our precious time and effort trying to change old thoughts and behaviours: we just simply create new ones.

And the other discovery they made was that we can continue to create new thoughts, new memories, new behaviours, new skills, and learn new things for as long as we are alive on this earth.

Now, with the new discoveries in recent years, it has been scientifically proven that our capacity to achieve and succeed literally has no limits.

Our brain has the capacity to continually learn during our entire lifetime.

Our brain can form new thoughts, can have new memories, and can learn new things by the millions, no matter what your age is. By the millions.

That’s how many new things we can learn, that’s how many new skills we can learn, that’s how many new thoughts we can have, that’s how many new behaviours we can adopt.

This is encouraging because there is no limit on your capacity to achieve new things.

No limits whatsoever for the human brain to learn, memorise, develop, achieve and perform at higher levels than ever imagined. It makes no difference what your age is: you are capable of learning anything new that you want to learn.

That adds to what we spoke of earlier: no more excuses.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

Your brain has the capacity to achieve way beyond what was ever thought possible. So now is the time to break out of your limited thinking and start dreaming big and imagining unlimited possibilities.

Becoming successful is not impossible.

It is a choice you make through a decision. Every day, step-by-step, you may climb the mountain of success if you’ve decided to do so, if you’re committed to accomplish what the others think impossible.

Design your future now.

Prepare to receive what you desire.

Thanks to the phenomenal advances made in cognitive science and the development of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), personal change, personal transformation, has come a very long way.

In fact, personal growth is no longer a mystery.

NLP has brought to light that change, transformation and growth can be fast, reliable, and even fun. It has shown us that we do not need to spend thousands of hours slaving away to increase our creative-thinking abilities.

By practicing a few simple exercises and applications, you can start your creative juices flowing, and you may even amaze yourself at the quality and quantity of good ideas that you can come up with to expedite your success.

It can allow you to achieve something you seek within days and months as opposed to years and decades. That’s the power of the progress science has made on how the brain works, and also how you can have your mind to be your best ally in achieving anything you want.

Learn to live as you like by no longer living as you dislike.

Are you ready to get on the road to success and fulfilment?

Bear in mind, much like everything else in life, success requires practice and massive, consistent action.

“Success doesn’t mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle.” – Edwin C Bliss

Hani Al-Qasem has been a self-improvement educator for more than 18 years.

You can download your copy of “Wealth Attraction: How To Reprogram Your Mind For More Money” FREE eBook where you can begin the automatic reprogramming of your brain for wealth, success, and abundance, in just six easy steps.

Live Your Life To Please God

Open your Bible to 1 Thessalonians 4:1 it says… Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

Will you trust God to teach you in the way you should go? You need wisdom to live for His righteousness, His love and devotion to Christ Jesus. You see, you have to develop the habit of listening to God. He may give you direction you have never had before. Like what? God wants you under the influence of His Word. God wants you to live by godly principles in His Word.

God wants you to give Jesus first place! This is vital for your Christian walk! Jesus is your connection to the throne of God. You see, in this world, it is very easy to become distracted from God. Many people follow some other path apart from God’s will. But the foundation of all spiritual truth is obedience to God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible tells you to praise the Lord! He is truly worthy of worship. Love no one not even yourself – more than you love God. Every morning you should be asking God to fill you with His presence. You want to be filled by the Spirit so that you’re led by Him. You love the Word, study the Word and learn the Word. Why? To live your life to please God. His Word is true wisdom for you to walk in His instructions.

If you want to live your life to please God give His Word a place of first priority! Scriptures will come alive on the inside of you. You’re knowing God for yourself and the importance of being led by the Spirit of God. Many people won’t like the new you, but you’re not living to please people, you’re living to please God.

You don’t need people approval when you have God’s approval! You want the praise of God more than the praise of people. Quit worrying about what everyone thinks and do what God has put in your heart.

God will put a new testimony in your mouth! You may think there is a lot wrong with you, but there is also a lot right with you. God is continually shaping and molding into the person He wants you to be. Stop focusing on what you can’t do, and start focusing on what God can do.

Serve God and worship Him and continue to seek His will. How? You have to establish a passionate relationship with God’s Word. Believe His Word, trust His Word, study His Word, thank Him for His Word. But always remember the devil will do everything he possibly can to lure you away from God. The devil does not want you to grow in the knowledge of King Jesus.

Many people never seriously read the Bible! But you need to be a student of God’s Word and doer of God’s ways. Be a Christian that reads scripture and prays. The Holy Spirit won’t adjust to you, you must adjust to Him! Use your voice to worship Him and lift up the name of Jesus! Now, raise your hands and say, “I live to please God, more and more!”

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